- Realtor Packages: Photos are released within 24hrs., however most often on the same day of the appointment (evening). iGUIDE Floor Plans are released by end of next business day (before midnight (except if shot on Saturday, all iGUIDE tours will be ready on Monday). Matterport Virtual Tours are sent within 24hrs, if a Floor Plan add-on package has been ordered, the Matterport Floor Plans component will be ready within 2 business days. Videos are released within 2 to 3 business days.
- Prices are based on homes 2500 sq. ft. or less. Larger properties are subject to additional charges. ***For iGUIDE and Matterport Packages, pricing includes capturing, measuring and drafting of homes up to 2500 sq ft. PLEASE NOTE that the total amount of Square Feet (SQ.FT.) listed on the order form will be verified against the actual amount we measure. SQ. FT. is calculated based on the total amount measured by our photographer including measurements taken in basements and additional buildings (when applicable). If the total SQ FT measured ends up being over the amount listed in the order form, the difference will be invoiced back to you.
- Our rates do not include waiting time if the property is not 100% Show Ready by the time the photographer arrives on site.
- If a property is tenanted, you MUST be on site to facilitate the appointment.
- Rates to go outside of main city limits will be quoted on a per job basis depending on distance to cover our time and expenses.
- If you are looking for specific angles or details of the home to be taken, these need to be communicated to us prior to our arrival on site so that we can let our photographers know. If we do not have specific instructions, we will leave it up to the photographer’s discretion to decide which images they feel is important for the marketing of the home. This could differ from what you may have in mind.
- All Pets need to be put away. We always try to ensure they’re hidden from our photos, but we are not responsible if a pet gets into the images by accident. For safety reasons, we do not touch or move pets.
- We do not take photos of the following: closets/walk-in closets, unfinished basements, laundry rooms, utility rooms, cold storage rooms, toilets, interiors of sheds and garages, or “For Sale” signs, unless specifically requested.
- Showings and/or Open Houses should not be scheduled during the time of the tour as it disrupts the measuring and photographing process which will require additional time to complete.
- Realtor packages include High Res images provided in a 3000 px wide format as well as MLS size format.
- Virtual Tour online hosting is available for 1 year from the time of activation for both iGUIDE and PHOTO TOURS. MATTERPORT tours include an online hosting period of 3 months. MATTERPORT monthly fees apply after the 3 months period at a rate of $14.99 per month per tour if required to be live longer. The Virtual Tours are viewable online by the general public and are searchable by search engines for a minimum of 1 year, unless otherwise requested, by our client, to be hidden. It is the responsibility of our client to let us know if they would like to have this online visibility turned off on a per tour basis. It is also our client’s responsibility to let us know when the property has sold so that we can turn the virtual tour off.
- ***An After Hours Cancellation Fee of $50.00 will be charged for cancellations that are sent after 5:00 p.m. the day prior but before 8am on the day of a scheduled appointment.
- ***A Cancellation Fee/Non-Refundable Deposit of $85 for each hour the appointment was reserved for will be charged for appointments cancelled after 8am on the day of the appointment.
- ***A Cancellation Fee of 50% of the total package cost will be charged if cancelled after arriving on site.
- Weekend and Holiday appointments will incur a convenience fee of $25.
- For Aerial packages, we do not make any guarantees that these packages will be produced. Weather, location and safety reasons could cause the appointment to be cancelled even as late as after our arrival on site if our licensed drone operator determines that it is not safe or possible to fly.
- Weather Policy: We do not take responsibility for the weather. If you feel that you need to reschedule due to poor weather conditions, you have the option of rescheduling the appointment as per our cancellation policy mentioned above, or you can have a photographer sent for a second appointment to capture exterior images at a cost of $65. We shoot in all kinds of weather and always do our best at making the photos look great regardless of what the weather is like.
- Payments: For pre-paid customers, if you have a pre-paid appointment and the final amount is different than what was originally charged to your credit card (i.e. square footage higher than predicted, additional services added…etc.), we will automatically process your credit card after the appointment for the difference owed. We will notify you by email that the additional payment has been made. If you are setup to have your brokerage or company cover the charges, we will send an invoice to your accounts payable team after the appointment is completed.
- As a representation of the property, Visual Advantage Inc. does not determine or verify the accuracy of Floor plans, property photos and tour amenities. Visual Advantage Inc. accepts no liability for the accuracy of any of these items. If for any reason litigation arises that causes purchaser of any Visual Advantage Inc. product or service to bring litigation against Visual Advantage Inc. or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, subcontractors or employees, it is hereby agreed that the maximum damages that could be awarded to those utilizing Visual Advantage Inc.’s visualization services and/or platform would be a total amount not greater than the amount paid to Visual Advantage Inc.
Real Estate Agent packages are solely for the purpose of marketing a resale home.
The photography and any additional work delivered to the real estate agent under these packages and license are not to be used commercially or for any other uses other than on MLS, personal Real Estate Agent Website and marketing related uses for the purpose of selling a home.
All other uses are strictly prohibited and fall under our Commercial license agreements: including but not limited to Model Homes, Rental business, Insurance, Advertising uses outside of marketing the home for resale.
All rights not expressly granted are reserved to Visual Advantage Inc., including but not limited to all rights in preliminary materials and all nonelectronic rights. You cannot share or resale our images/work to another agent or third party. Any other parties interested in using our work will need to obtain/purchase the right from Visual Advantage Inc. to do so.
Additional Usage: If you wish to make any additional uses of the work, you will need to seek permission from Visual Advantage Inc. and make such payments as are agreed to between the parties at that time.
All rights not expressly granted are reserved to Visual Advantage Inc., including but not limited to all rights in preliminary materials and all nonelectronic rights. You cannot share or resale our images/work to another agent or third party. Any other parties interested in using our work will need to obtain/purchase the right from Visual Advantage Inc. to do so.
Additional Usage: If you wish to make any additional uses of the work, you will need to seek permission from Visual Advantage Inc. and make such payments as are agreed to between the parties at that time.